
This website was setup and maintained by Pack 25 of Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati OH.


We’d wanted a website to share information with perspective scouts and families as well as providing some more information than could easily be shared on a Facebook page, however the cost and effort of setting up a domain name seemed not worth it.

Rather than registering just our domain, it seemed a better idea to create a generic domain that would allow any pack to get their own custom, branded subdomain and thus cubpack.org was born.


How do I get my Pack Subdomain?

Head over to the Request a Subdomain page and fill out the form

Do you provide website hosting?

Nope, however we integrate with free hosting options.

How much does this cost?

It’s free!

How long will subdomain requests take?

To avoid conflicts, spamming, etc all subdomain requests are manually reviewed. We attempt to fulfill all requests within 24 hours but it can take up to 3 days.

For more complex requests (such as disputes which may involve contacting councils to resolve) can take a week or more depending on the responsiveness of the various parties.

What is a good subdomain?

Since a pack number can exist in multiple councils, it’s a good idea to include some region / council specific information in your subdomain. In addition, including the word pack makes it easier to remember than just a plain number.

For example:

  • 24 -> pack24-wmichigan
  • pack874 -> pack874ky